Grab Every Dragon Age And Mass Effect Game For Under $20 Right Now


$20 for Mass Effect I, 2, and 3 with improved visuals and streamlined systems would be decent enough on its own, but throwing in everything else puts it over the top. And even if you’ve only ever heard bad things about Andromeda, it still has some of the best combat and exploration in the series, and is well worth revisiting ahead of Mass Effect 4, whenever that eventually arrives.

The Dragon Age trilogy should serve a similar purpose for fans preparing for Dreadwolf. EA recently revealed in its latest earnings report that Dragon Age 4 won’t be out in the next year, despite the encouraging progress regularly shared on the BioWare blog. The game reportedly moved away from a live service model earlier in development, and has had to contend with a series of departures by some senior staff.


It’s been a long time since BioWare shipped an unqualified hit. Fortunately, the studio’s back catalog (with the exception of Anthem) has stood the test of time and is cheaper than ever on PC.


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